
Refinance Rate Update: October 3, 2023—Rates on the Rise

On October 3, 2023, homeowners woke up to a significant development in the housing market. After enjoying historically low refinance rates for months, the trend has shifted. Rates are on the rise, promptin...


The Ultimate Guide to Housing Programs and Grants You Need to Know About

Access to affordable housing is a fundamental need for all individuals, yet it remains a significant challenge for many. However, various housing programs and grants can assist individuals and famili...


Are Lower Interest Rates on the Horizon?

The question is, "are lower interest rates on the horizon?" There are a number of factors at play in the monetary policy debate. For one thing, the Federal Reserve has signaled its intention to raise policy rates this year...


Fixed vs Floating Interest Rates - What Are The Pros and Cons?

Considering the Pros and Cons of Fixed vs. Floating Interest Rates is essential for home buyers to determine which type of mortgage is best for their financial situation. These types of mortgages can save borrower...


How Will A Recession Affect Interest Rates?

When the economy is in recession, many consumers do not spend freely. The Federal Reserve may make adjustments to interest rates to encourage consumer confidence. The resulting change is passed on to lenders, who then use that adjus...


A Personal Investing Guide for Young Adults

A few years ago, governments didn’t include financial education in their high school syllabuses. That made young adults unaware of the personal financing strategies that would help them stay away from debt, grow their weal...


Reasons Why You Should Get Auto Insurance Before Driving

Auto insurance is an important investment for any driver. It provides financial protection in case of an accident and protects you from potential lawsuits, costly repairs, and lost wages. Driving without insurance is ...


How to Qualify for Federal Assistance with Section 8 Housing

The federal Section 8 housing program can assist if you struggle to pay your rent. The program allows eligible low-income families to get help with their rent payments. Qualifying for Section 8 housing can be chal...


What The Computer Chip Shortage Means for Your Vehicle Financing Options

With high inflation and the economy in shambles right now, it's become incredibly important for people looking to buy a car to get the best financing possible, since every penny counts. However, a...


Tips for Choosing the Right Auto Insurance Provider

Auto insurance is an important purchase that can help protect drivers and their vehicles in the event of an accident. Choosing the right auto insurance provider can be overwhelming, especially with the variety of provide...


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